

新英米詩選 ――ロマン派から現代まで
A New Anthology of Modern English Poetry

著者 マイケル・ブラッドショー、新見肇子、山内久明〔編著〕
刊行日 2000年12月11日
ISBN 978-4-327-47195-8
Cコード 1098
NDCコード 931
体裁 A5判 並製 136頁
定価 定価2,420円(本体2,200円+税10%)




 1.Becoming a Poet/ 2. Language and Creativity/ 3. Gender and Writing/ 4. Poetry and History/ 5. Love, Desire and Death/ 6. Elegy, Commemoration and Grief/ 7. Form and Fragmentation.
Introduction to Reading English Poetry
I Becoming a Poet
  1 Seamus Heaney : Digging
  2 Ted Hughes : The Thought - Fox
  3 Tony Harrison : Self Justification
  4 Wendy Cope : Engineers' Corner
II Language and Creativity
  5 Dylan Thomas : The force that through the green fuse drives the flower
  6 ‘L. E. L.’: The Power of Words
  7 Sylvia Plath : Words
  8 Paul Muldoon : Quoof
  9 William Carlos Williams : The Poem
  10 William Carlos Williams : A Sort of a Song
  11 Lewis Carroll : Jabberwocky
  12 Craig Raine : A Martian Sends a Postcard Home
III Gender and Writing
  13 Emily Dickinson : A still――Volcano――Life――
  14 Emily Dickinson : They shut me up in Prose――
  15 Eavan Boland : The Woman Changes her Skin
  16 ‘H. D. ’: Helen
IV Poetry and History
  17 Nikki Giovanni : For Saundra
  18 Pauline Stainer : Sighting the Slave Ship
  19 W. H. Auden : On This Island
  20 Matthew Arnold : Dover Beach
  21 Derek Mahon : The Snow Party
V Love, Desire and Death
  22 William Wordsworth : A slumber did my spirit seal
  23 William Wordsworth : She dwelt among the untrodden ways
  24 Thomas Lovell Beddoes : The Phantom-Wooer
  25 W. B. Yeats : He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
  26 Robert Browning : Porphyria's Lover
VI Elegy, Commemoration and Grief
  27 Alfred, Lord Tennyson : In Memoriam, 50
  28 Cathy Song : Picture Bride
  29 Elizabeth Jennings : Remembering Fireworks
  30 Christina Rossetti : Remember
  31 Carol Ann Duffy : Prayer
  32 Robert Frost : Nothing Gold Can Stay
  33 Stevie Smith : Not Waving but Drowning
VII Form and Fragmentation
  34 Percy Bysshe Shelley : Ozymandias
  35 Anthony Thwaite : Potter
  36 Samuel Taylor Coleridge : Kubla Khan
  37 John Keats : This living hand
